Friday 22 February 2013

خليل بتلعب.... بتهز الملعب

مع ابتداء بطولة المقاصد المصغّرة وذلك نهار الجمعة في 22-2-2013 ،أقيمت مباراة في كرة السّلة للصّف الخامس الأساسي بين مدرستي أبي بكر الصّديق ومدرسة خليل شهاب وكان الفوز حليفنا 16-2 ألف مبروك لفريقنا: أحمد مستو-أنيس الحوت-خالد فريج-عبد الرحمن اسكندراني-عزالدين شهاب -أحمد ملحم-عمر شهاب-مصطفى قاسمية-سعدالله شهاب-

Thursday 8 November 2012

مهرجان الاضحى المبارك

قام تلاميذ مدرسة خليل شهاب بمهرجان الاضحى المبارك حيث تخلل هذا الحفل مسابقات تثقيفيّة من وحيّ المناسبة :
·       كلمات متقاطعة لمناسك الحج .
·       لعبة تركيب الصور للحرم المكيّ.
·       إكتشاف الكلمة من خلال الصورة .
·       تلوين رسومات من وحيّ المناسبة.
·       صنع تيجان .
     وقد تبارى التّلاميذ في هذه المسابقات ،ووزعت عليهم الجوائز لعيش فرحة العيد ،وقد قدّمت هدايا مميّزة للفائزين .
كما تخلل هذا النّشاط وجبة غداء ومعمول العيد والعصير .
أشرف على هذا النّشاط معلّمة التّربية الدّينيّة السيّدة نسرين نعوس وقد شارك الاستاذ يحي المعوش بالاناشيد الدّينيّة .
وكل عام وأنتم بخير .

Tuesday 17 January 2012

الأرنب السعيد في النادي الرياضي

قام اليوم الأرنب السعيدوفريق كرة السلة في مدرسة خليل شهاب بزيارة النادي الرياضي.جال الأرنب السعيد في أرجاء النادي وقد شاهد تلامذتنا وهم يتدربون.ثم التُقِطت له العديد من الصور مع مدرّبين في النادي الرياضي

Thursday 17 November 2011

The Adventure Begins.... :)

On Thursday November 17, 2011, the KSPS organized an educational field trip for the second cycle; Grades 4,5, and 6. The aim of this trip was to explore some of the most historical and popular places in our beloved country Lebanon; Nahr-Al Kalb and Jeita Grotto.

Of course the trip didn't go as planned. We were all soaked with rain and shivered from the cold wind. Even though we were exhausted from the trip, yet the smile didn't leave our faces. The teachers and students did enjoy this small adventure.

These are the lovely little princess of Grade 5; Razan Maarouf and Jana Itani.

The students were eating, singing and laughing with each other. Even though we were stuck in traffic, yet we felt free.

Our first stop was beside this historical spot Nahr Al-Kalb. Our country was liberated from any foreign forces on January 31, 1946.

Students stood under this great spot and took their memorial pictures with their friends.

Honor, Sacrifice, and Loyalty. The three words that reflect our great Lebanese Army. May Allah protect Lebanon.

My student Muhie Al-Dein Al-Tabash standing beside this memorial spot filled with happiness and pride.

Before we left this place, we gathered all of our students around our principle Mrs. Rana Sabbidine and took a group photo.

We went back to the buses and headed toward Jeita Grotto. We enjoyed the lovely nature that Allah has blessed us with.

Our trip wouldn't have been a success without the cooperation of the whole KSPS team.
A huge thank you for our great teachers and administrators.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Multiplying Connect Four

“Multiplying Connect Four” is a collaborative learning project that allows students to establish a network to find the answers of the multiplication expressions.
This activity is designed to help children learn through talking and active learning in small groups. Moreover, this activity support differentiation among students by placing a high value on what children can offer to each other on a particular topic. It helps them to think about ideas and abstract concepts, discuss, paraphrase, and develop thinking skills.
You need to divide students in groups of 5 members each. Each group takes one baseboard (multiplication expressions) and two sets of cards (products).
Shuffle the cards and place them in a pile facing down.
Take it in turn to turn over your top card and decide where to put it on the board.